
Key Considerations for Powertrain HIL Test
Safety, availability, and cost considerations can make performing thorough tests of embedded control...

Ball vs. Sleeve: A Comparison In Bearing Performance
As consumers demand smaller, faster computer systems, OEM design engineers race to create systems with...

System designers are faced with continual pressure to meet their development schedules, and need to implement...

eGaN® FETs in High Frequency Resonant Converters
In this white paper eGaN FET technology is applied in a high frequency resonant converter. Previously,...

Factorized Power Architecture and V•I Chips
As electronic systems continue to trend toward lower voltages with higher currents and as the speed of...

Modern Motor Control Applications and Trends
This paper reviews the state of the art of electric drives technology in three specific areas (a) technical...

Save plant maintenance costs through reduced sensor power consumption
This paper describes a method for reducing the power consumption of sensor systems by utilizing the standby...

Implementing Video Display Interfaces Using MachXO2 PLDs
Lattice Semiconductor has developed a display interface in the MachXO2 PLD family. Because this interface...

Low-Voltage Energy Harvesting
Over the past few years, the technology of energy harvesting has emerged from the laboratory to the marketplace....
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