Gate Drive Measurement Considerations
One of the primary purposes of a gate driver is to enable power switches to turn on and off faster, improving...
Balancing act
Lithium-ion batteries, like other battery types, are subject to a process of wear and tear during charging...
Optimise beamforming: From bits to RF beams
Radar, satellite communications and 5G NR use AAS with phased array antennas for beamforming. Hybrid...
Designing with Flexible Flat Cable
Most engineers think of flat cable as inexpensive wiring that runs between computer peripherals. But...
Conformance Test Failed, What Now?
Conformance tests are performed on serial data interfaces such as USB, HDMI and PCI Express to ensure...
Battery Simulation with DC power supply R&S®NGM200
This application note is about creating your own battery model for the RandS®NGM200, beyond the standard...
Connecting Peripherals to an Android Platform
This white paper will describe some of the options for connecting peripheral accessories to Android OS...
Fiber-to-the-Antenna Installation Best Practices for the Tower Hand
Consumer appetite for high-speed mobile devices and services shows no sign of slowing. Smart phones and...
21ST CENTURY SECURITY: Understanding High Security Contacts
It is apparent that many older specifcations for government and military security contacts were based...
Accurate Test Fixture Characterization and Deembedding
For measurements of non-connectorized devices, test fixtures, probes or other structures are used to...
Time Domain Measurements using Vector Network Analyzer ZNA
Vector Network Analyzers of RohdeandSchwarz family are able to measure magnitude and phase of complex...
Powering Communications in Harsh Environments
The use of power supplies in harsh, remote environments brings with it many fundamental design issues...
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