
MEMS Timing-Keeper Extends Standby Life of Mobile Devices
With increasingly sophisticated Smartphones and mobile devices offering more features and un-tethered...

Application Tips – General Purpose Batteries
Metal holders with spring retainer arms can cause inadvertent charging or short circuits. Isolation of...

Balancing act
Lithium-ion batteries, like other battery types, are subject to a process of wear and tear during charging...

Battery Holder Design and Testing, ANSI, EIA, UL
For testing new designs of battery holders, MPD fabricated min-max sized battery slugs. The slugs proved...

Using Ultracapacitors for Voltage Stabilization
When an electrically-driven machine starts, it may require very high current from the power supply for...

Fundamentals of Building a Test System
Most organizations do not consider production test a top priority, but it is a necessity to prevent major...

Increase Rack Cooling Efficiency and Solve Heat-Related Problems
Low-Cost and No-Cost Cooling Best Practices Provide Exceptional ROI for Small to Mid-Size Data Centers Cooling...

Talon Communications Wireless Product Development
Talon Communications is a Product Development Company specializing in low power wireless and embedded...

The Energy Harvesting Tipping Point for Wireless Sensor Applications
Ever since the first watermills and windmills were used to generate electricity, energy harvesting has...
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