Ultracapacitor Usage in Wind Turbine Pitch Control Systems
As the costs for electricity generated by renewables such as wind and solar decrease and ultimately reach...
Nuventix SynJet® Reliability
Nuventix is the leader in the successful production of highly reliable fanless forced air cooler components...
Modern Motor Control Applications and Trends
This paper reviews the state of the art of electric drives technology in three specific areas (a) technical...
Top Motor Braking Trends In The Automotive Industry
Brakes are some of the most crucial safety components in automobiles. Used to slow a vehicle's momentum...
AURIX™ as a safety controller and ISO 13849
Benefit from the experts of the AURIX™ Preferred Design House and download our white paper! Infineon's...
Unfortunately, due to inverters, actuators, semiconductor switches, relays and other electromagnetic...
Top 3 Applications Every Tire Manufacturer Should Safeguard
The fundamental process for making a tire hasn't changed much in 50 years. The compounds, components,...
Image Stabilization Technology Overview
Optical image stabilization (OIS) addresses the quality of images, and is an idea that has been around...
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